Senate of Virginia Seal

Jennifer B. Boysko

Democrat, District 38

Legislation Sponsored

Born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, on November 16, 1966; educated at Hollins University (B.A.); Community Organizer; married, Glenn J. Boysko; Episcopalian; Chair of the Broadband Advisory Council, Senate representative for the Northern VA Transportation Authority, Northern Virginia Growing Needs of Public Transit, Joint Subcommittee and the Regional Transportation Planning Board; Member of the House: 2016-2019; Member of the Senate: 2019-

District 38 Description
Parts of Fairfax County.

Contact Information

Legislative Staff

Karen Harrison, Chief of Staff; Kathy Shupe, Legislative Assistant; Juliet Morro, Legislative Assistant; Gilman Cuda, Legislative Assistant

Session Office

General Assembly Building
Room No: 613
Senate of Virginia
P. O. Box 396
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: (804) 698-7538
Fax: (804) 698-7651

Email Address

District Office

P.O. Box 247
Herndon, VA 20172
Phone: (703) 437-0086