R. Creigh Deeds
Born in Richmond, Virginia, on January 4, 1958; educated at Concord College (B.A., 1980); Wake Forest University School of Law (J.D., 1984); Attorney; married Siobhan Deeds; Warren Stambaugh Award (1998); Leadership in Public Policy Award (Nature Conservancy 1999); 2006 Profiles in Courage Award, Coalition of Labor Union Women Western Virginia Chapter;Virginia Association for Parks, 2007 Legislator of the Year; 2008 Legislator of the Year Award, The Washington DC Building Trades Council; 2008 Col. Michael S. Harris (Ph.D.) Award, American Association of University Professors Virginia Conference; 2012 Enduring Support Award, Virginia Association of Parks; Outstanding Legislator of the Year for 2012, Virginia Sheriffs' Association; 2013 VAISEF Distinguished Service Award; 2014 Richard T. Greer Advocacy Award, National Alliance on Mental Illness; 2014 Legislator of the Year Award, Psychiatric Society of Virginia; 2014 Outstanding Legislator Award, NAMI Virginia; 2015 Legislator of the Year, Virginia Association for Parks; 2015 State Legislator of the Year Award, American Psychological Association Practice Organization; 2015 The Champion Award, Virginia Brain Injury Council; 2016 Legislative Award, Virginia Emergency Management Association; 2019 Legislator of the Year Award, Virginia Counselors Association;2019 Outstanding Service Award, Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work; 2021 Legislator of the Year, Virginia Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers; 2021 Virginia Records Award, Virginia Genealogical Society; 2022 Legislator of the Year, Psychiatric Society of Virginia; 2022 Legislator of the Year Award, Virginia Wineries Association
; Member of the House: 1992-2001; Member of the Senate: 2001-
All of Albemarle County, Amherst County, Nelson County and Charlottesville City.
Parts of Louisa County.
Parts of Louisa County.
Groups that discuss and research specific subject matter in regards to legislation or public projects.
Administrative Rules, Joint Commission onBehavioral Health Commission
Electric Utility Regulation, Commission on
Executive Subcommittee, Behavioral Health Commission
Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates
Growth and Opportunity Board, Virginia
Health and Human Resources Oversight, Joint Subcommittee for
Health Insurance Reform Commission
Intercollegiate Athletics Review Commission
Involuntary Commitment / Emergency Services
Joint Commission on Transportation Accountability
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
Joint Subcommittee on Tax Policy
MEI Project Approval Commission
Reapportionment Committee Joint
Regulations, The State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Work Group on
Rural Virginia Board of Trustees, Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for
Tax Preferences, Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate
Virginia Indigent Defense Commission
Western Virginia Public Education Consortium