Senate of Virginia Seal

Mark D. Obenshain

Republican, District 2

Legislation Sponsored

Born in Richmond, Virginia, on June 11, 1962; educated at Virginia Tech (B.A., 1984); Washington and Lee University School of Law (J.D., 1987) ; Principal With Obenshain Law Group; married, Suzanne Speas Obenshain; member: First Presbyterian Church; First Presbyterian Church; Board of Directors, Harrisonburg Education Foundation; Board of Visitors, James Madison University (1995-2003); Mercy House, Inc., Board of Directors (1993-2006); Harrisonburg Rescue Squad, Inc., Business Advisory Board; Harrisonburg Rotary Club; Governor's Commission on Citizen Empowerment (1994-95); Governor's Advisory Commission on Welfare Reform (1995-97); Member of the Senate: 2004-

District 2 Description
All of Bath County, Highland County, Page County, Rockingham County and Harrisonburg City.
Parts of Augusta County.

Contact Information

Legislative Staff

Jennifer B. Aulgur, Legislative Director; Connor Smith, Legislative Aide, Seth Cogbill, Session Aide

Session Office

General Assembly Building
Room No: 609
Senate of Virginia
P. O. Box 396
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: (804) 698-7502
Fax: (804) 698-7651

Email Address

District Office

P.O. Box 555
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Phone: (540) 437-1451
Fax: (540) 437-3101